
Titel - Fotograf

Abhören - Benny Weber – Fotolia
Aktuelles - Mathias Rosenthal - Fotolia
Anesthetist - Tyler Olson – Fotolia
Angiographiegerät - Dirk Rothe - Fotolia
Arthrose - fotodo - Fotolia
Arzt desinfiziert Hände - cont
At doctor's - VadimGuzhva - Fotolia
A woman suffering from acid reflux or Heartburn on gray Background - Adobe – 391790201
ärzte im krankenhaus - contrastwerkstatt - Fotolia
Background for christmas and new year - Karin & Uwe Annas - Fotolia
Bär - Phils Photography - Fotolia
Blood glucose meter - skyfotostock - Fotolia
Blut abnehmen - Klaus Eppele – Fotolia
Blutdruck - ISO K° - photography - Fotolia
Blutdruck Messung und EKG Kurve - Gina Sanders - Fotolia
blutdruck wird vom arzt gemessen - Picture-Factory - Fotolia
Brain surgery - VILevi - Fotolia
CAT Scan Machine - Aleksey Khripunkov - Fotolia
Cheerful fruit,mixed fruits -fox17 – Fotolia
Chirurgisches Skalpell - Bergringfoto – Fotolia
circle of hands on stomach - abasler - Fotolia
Closeup of a computer axial tomography scan - svedoliver - Fotolia
Close-up of medical instrument being passed over - pressmaster - Fotolia
Comfort gesture - DragonImages - Fotolia
computed tomography - Andrzej Solnica - Fotolia
CT - Siemens
Cute baby eating puree - © Julie Francoeur - Fotolia
Das soll ich glauben - farbkombinat - Fotolia
Diabetes - DOC RABE Media - Fotolia
Diät - Gemüse auf Vollkornbrot - Printemps - Fotolia
Die Hand reichen - Christian Stoll - Fotolia
DNA-Analyse - PeJo – Fotolia
doctor comforting patient - michaeljung – Fotolia
Doctor Examining Film Scans - forestpath - Fotolia
Doctor examining his patients hand - WavebreakmediaMicro - Fotolia
Doctor holding a glass of water and a pill - Csaba Deli - Fotolia
Doctor stretching a man arm - WavebreakmediaMicro - Fotolia
Doctor uses needles - Max Tactic - Fotolia
Doctor exam one X-ray picture of sprained foot - esben - Fotolia
Doctor with syringe in hand isolated - wawritto - Fotolia
Doing abdominal examination with hands - juan_g_aunion - Fotolia
E-Book-Reader - Eisenhans - Fotolia
ECMO Knappschaftskrankenhaus Bochum
ehrenamtliche - magele-picture - Fotolia
EKG - Max Tactic - Fotolia
Endoskop - Pentax
Endotracheal tube and the breathing bag - sudok1 - Fotolia
Esophageal cancer concept – Adobe – 450168568
FC Schalke 04 - Imago
Familie - - Fotolia
Family breakfast - BlueOrange Studio - Fotolia
Family doctor woman. Health care - Kurhan - Fotolia
Female nurse having a casual talk with a woman - Yuri Arcurs - Fotolia
female senior in wheelchair with her daughter - Firma V - Fotolia
Granddaughter comes to visit - Fotolia
Gesund und Fit - Trüffelpicx - Fotolia
Glucometer and other instruments - abidika - Fotolia
Goulash with roasted potatoes and vegetables - J. Chabraszewski - Fotolia
Get well - Cora Müller - Fotolia
Glückwünsche - Daniela Stärk - Fotolia
Gute Besserung - Pixelrohkost - Fotolia
Herzlichen Glückwunsch - Karte mit Blumenstrauß - Floydine - Fotolia
Hand am Tropf - sinuswelle - Fotolia
happy baby child eats itself with a spoon - JenkoAtaman - Fotolia
Happy young woman - Yuri Arcurs - Fotolia
Im Operationssaal - Bergringfoto - Fotolia
Infusion mit Monitor - Firma V – Fotolia
Intensive care unit with monitors - danutelu - Fotolia
Intensivmedizin - Firma V - Fotolia
JCartilage du genou endommag - Radio - PC-PROD - Fotolia
junge in der grundschule hlt sich den kopf - contrastwerkstatt - Fotolia
Kalender - Jamrooferpix - Fotolia
Kind - farbkombinat - Fotolia
Kompassnadel Strategie - Coloures-pic - Fotolia
Krankenbesuch - contrastwerkstatt – Fotolia
Künstliche Hüfte - julianemartens - Fotolia
Linksherzkathetermeßplatz - PHILIPS
Little child boy with plaster bandage on leg heel fracture or broken foot bone - Ilya Andriyanov - Fotolia
Lunge - Sebastian Kaulitzki - Fotolia
Male doctor explaining the spine to senior patient - WavebreakMediaMicro - Fotolia
Male senior patient visiting a doctor - WavebreakMediaMicro - Fotolia
medi-op-89 - Thomas Berg – Fotolia
medical-staff-people-group-team-doctor-1202989183 - Shutterstock
Money withdrawal - Design_5D – Fotolia
Mother Talking To Daughter In Intensive Care Unit - Monkey Business - Fotolia
Mother stroking the child to feel the fontanel of 1 months baby girl - ©demphoto/AdobeStock
Motion Blur Stretcher Gurney Patient Hospital Emergency - spotmatikphoto - Fotolia
Notarztwagen -Felix Abraham - Fotolia
Nurse taking notes of old patient - nyul - Fotolia
Nurse taking notes of old patient - nyul - Fotolia
OP-Schwester - Stephan Morrosch – Fotolia
patient with mask ventilation - beerkoff - Fotolia
Patrick Ingelfinger - Portrait - André Weimar
PDA - Stephan Morrosch – Fotolia
Pflegedienst / Krankenpflegeausbildung
Physician ready to examine patient - megaflopp - Fotolia
Physiotherapist training with patient - - Fotolia
Portrait Of Happy Young Baby Boy In High Chair - Monkey Business - Fotolia
Portrait of medicam team - WavebreakMediaMicro – Fotolia
Presentation of a men's medical team - WavebreakMediaMicro - Fotolia
Professional pediatrician examining smiling baby - ©Africa Studio/AdobeStock
Red telephone receiver - Brian Jackson - Fotolia
Rettungsdienst - benjaminnolte - Fotolia
Rettungshubschrauber - benjaminnolte - Fotolia
Rettungshubschrauber - Manfred Steinbach - Fotolia
Ring of hands. Conceptual photo of teamwork - Africa Studio - Fotolia
Scalpel - Franz Pfluegl – Fotolia
Senior woman with her elder care nurse - Alexander Raths - Fotolia
Seringue - auryndrikson - Fotolia
Sick Teddy - Phils Photography - Fotolia
Sleep Apnea and CPAP - BVDC - Fotolia
Sm21078 CT – Siemens
Sodbrennen - Coloures-pic - Fotolia
Sonografie - Alterfalter - Fotolia
Sonografie der Schilddrüse - Alterfalter - Fotolia
starke Rückenschmerzen - underdogstudios - Fotolia
Stress/Burnout - Claudia Nagel - Fotolia
studentin mit einem stapel bücher - contrastwerkstatt – Fotolia
Surgeon and nurse performing hand operation - jamstockfoto - Fotolia
Surgeon at work - Arendt – Fotolia
Surgeon Inserting Tub - Monkey Business - Fotolia
Surgeons performing procedure - endostock - Fotolia
Surgery - Hakan Kızıltan – Fotolia
Surgery - Hakan Kızıltan – Fotolia
surgery 11 - picsfive - Fotolia
Three medicine doctor hands showing OK or approval sign -megaflopp - Fotolia
Verbotsschild Handys - J.M. -
Woman on operating table - Woman on operating table
Young smiling nurse - Minerva Studio - Fotolia
Young Woman doing Neck Ultrasound - Popov - Fotolia
Sick Teddy - Phils Photography - Fotolia
Flowers - Michael Milfeit
Zettel Meinung - JiSign - Fotolia
3d rendered illustration - runner anatomy - Sebastian Kaulitzki - Fotolia

Partner der PKV 2020
Bergmannsheil Buer, Schernerweg 4, 45894 Gelsenkirchen, Tel: 0209 5902 - 0, Fax: 0209 5902 - 591